
we produce and promote African music and videos publishes


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The feature of GhostVisionRecordsSA

My name is Gloria nompumelelo Mmese, I grew up with my sibling. We are the only grandchildren from my mother's side. I grew up a different child, nobody  really understood me. Because am loud, friendly, energetic. I am fan of soccer and athletics, when I was in high school, it's the only thing that kept me alive, running and feeling fantastic after. Either than athletic, my biggest passion was poetry took it lightly as  a child. I used to inspire students and educators, only now I see that I h...



media image PROFESA MJAY


media image GhostVisionRecordsSA


media image The face of GhostVisionRecordsSA

The face of GhostVisionRecordsSA

media image The face of GhostVisionRecordsSA

The face of GhostVisionRecordsSA

media image BIG BOOM


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